54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ve never seen that one before lol

Your body is unclear:


my stores run deep brother

Listen it’s hard to tell with Noz

Sometimes he types stuff like that to insult people.

Not as much as baz tho

You’re hard to tell

Noz is a memester

you should have been aware it was a copy pasta when it said
“stop tagging me crackhead” and “you still voted for me to win”

Tbh this is something you’d say normally

says who

You literally ask people ‘who’s your dealer’ :joy:

yeh i’m referring to them being high as fuck which means they are being dumb

Which is basically the same as calling them a crackhead xd

Hey Noz

What are you smoking and where can I get some

i’m smoking heroin duh.

call 911 for some…

Oh oh oh

Whatever you do DO NOT go to Hippo’s profile unless you want den feelz

I already knows

And…the game setup he provided.

@discobot fortune

Is Nozbugz jesus?

:crystal_ball: Signs point to yes

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@discobot fortune

Am I a Prophet?

:crystal_ball: Most likely

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