54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Tik Tok is not funny and it is on Ifunny

I mean are your posts getting liked by disco?


Did u even watch it

Are we playing limbo?

Cuz i’m just asking how low can you go

1 Like




This is the only decent bideo from Tiktok and braixen is a judgemental piece of shit ez

max wins cuz he isn’t a noob


Braixen when he tries to diss me

Bang Bang :gun:


roll 1d2

1-max wins
2-Braixen wins

@discobot roll 1d2

1-max wins
2-Braixen wins

:game_die: 2

its rigged I told you

I’m starting to think it’s rigged tbh

I am god I decide who wins.

yea it is rigged

@discobot fortune
Is this statement true

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

These plebians don’t understand that I have the power of God on my side and here’s proof


well ill catch you noobs later I’m gonna play some NBA 2k19

:pray: disco