did you try unplugging your router and replugging it back in? I hear that fixes the lag sometimes
I’ve played Doki Doki on my mother’s work PC and then Monika said “FISKITMAIN-PC… This is your real name, isn’t it?”
kinda ruined the mood
okay that’s kinda funny, it reads your computers name
yep since most people name their computers after themselves
you know you gotta love MHCol27’s jokes
ps post it to r/totallynotrobots
aw now I ain’t
It is a randomly generated sim I found cute
So I’m giving them a home
Also giving houses to santa and to this UNGODLY KID
santa have 500.000 $
Is that kid ViVi from final fantasy 9
That reminds me of this
Moira’s back is hurting
for carrying her entire team
(5 gold medals)
planning on it
Oh look at that, Marl is brainwashed by “Oh lel, if a few people are doing it, everyone must be doing it” shit
oh you’re still going on about bronies