54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

How long have you played Splatoon, huh? :thinking:

STFU, you hentai tentacle loving person, who has an obsession over woomies and squids.


Going to be a good game regardless

How long have I looked at splatoon r34 :wink:

Kai, No

Woomies are love, woomies are life

The veemos are cool too, but I love the woomies more



Y’all have weird shit.

Implying that you do not have the same curse is utter farce

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Join us

They already have, unknowingly.

Good, goooddd

Just make sure it’s not underage, that shit’s disgusting

Is it ok for someone underage to look st underage shit tho??

maybe not

Prefer not to answer?




We’re not going into lolis

laughs I’m not that insane

I swear