54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Good morning people


guess i’ll delete it now

or you can do it for me

Once again I literally can’t

Do you really not know or are you deliberately trying to provoke me


i literally do not know what you are doing

can’t all mods delete posts


who r u

and why say good morning at 12 am

r u solic’s cousin

I’m not a mod!

I was demoted weeks ago!

wait what

you still a title

nvm i won’t ask

how come no one told me

Note the lack of a shield next to my name



ok guys i am blind

Here it is 6AM

Why were you demoted Boopster?

cause something about being rude I think

she told someone to shut the fuck up for being annoying

that’s it

that is underwhelming

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it sorta reminds me of myself.

I got removed from being a guide just because I jokingly put unguide me in my discord name

apparently she had multiple other stuff.

I had multiple other things too. such as trolling streamers, saying questionable shit and being a desperate fuck

I never want to go back to myself from late 2017.