54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Where did vulgard go

Vulgar just vanished.

The only one I’ve talked to recently was Whammerist.

like htm?

Did thanos snap them?

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Wham left due to his boredom of FM

What does that mean

he didnt find FMs fun anymore.

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I wonder why

I asked him about how people said he was good.

he just said he was like everyone else.

didnt know what the fuck to do.

I feel like this is many of the players who are considered good.


I’m not enjoying them as much as I used to too

I still enjoy hosting a shitton tho.

pretty much
I don’t plan out much of anything I do, I just do something link it with something else that was meant for something else and something happens

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I’m hosting RotBD 3 soon actually

that’s how I act too

and I’m pretty sure that’s how marl acts as well.

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it works though

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Marl is considered one of the best by many people.

but in reality. I dont feel the same way

my game approach has changed incredibly.

like. it got boring for me memeing 24/7

Let’s be honest

The good people are only good cause they can get people to follow them

They aren’t actually good

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hi marl

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