also I think I ruined my entire friendship with my ex.
but overall.
Why the fuck does it matter anyway.
it’s ironic coming from a guy who jokingly attacks different people but still.
why does it matter if someone is x
the only thing that really matters is if someone is a gamer and if that is the case. They need to rise up with us fellow gamers.
new caption
pug comes out as liberal
Ok furry
you a fellow suicidal or something?
we some kind of suicide squad?
i’m gonna stop ya right there
yup. great timing
I just wanted to say the funny suicide squad quote.
false quoting is modkillable maximusprime
ok so bassicly I leak max face raveal
(that was on purpose)
Guys I’m some sort of RNGod
I got my hero fest ticket and my first summon was 5 star chosen Owain
This game luves me and idk why
Two oppressed groups
One rightfully, one wrongfully.
But which is which :^)