54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

no newb bully

You learned from me, Twi.

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Ashe has a new alliance ey

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no he yolo pushed me because i said yeet




And Plant too.

We all question his sanity

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BlueStorm fends Ashe , Lightsin , and Twil1ght away from his fire.

Mercenary tries to sing herself to sleep.

Meteoro receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

cbman defeats WazzaAzza in a fight, but spares her life.

Damafaud receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Hjasik thinks about home.

Luxy begs for overthebin to kill him. She refuses, keeping Luxy alive.

CheesyNivs is unable to convince techwolves to not kill him.

Eevee loses sight of where he is.

PoisonedSquid receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Firekitten and Gamerpoke hold hands.

Kai 5 sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Shurian tries to sing herself to sleep.

Isaac Gonzalez convinces Insanity to snuggle with him.

Planterror dies from hypothermia.


It would be fun if I question my sanity.

Insanity stop snuggling with everyone



Seems productive


Oh thanks

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Wazza is a girl, nice.

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@Planterror oof

oh no

WazzaAzza picks flowers.

Eevee bashes techwolves 's head against a rock several times.

Ashe , BlueStorm , Twil1ght , and PoisonedSquid raid cbman 's camp while he is hunting.

Meteoro cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Gamerpoke receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Mercenary and Lightsin fight Kai 5 and Firekitten . Mercenary and Lightsin survive.

Isaac Gonzalez fishes.

overthebin kills Insanity with a hatchet.

Hjasik tries to spear fish with a trident.

Luxy attacks Shurian , but Damafaud protects her, killing Luxy .


Poor Merc

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