54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

So basically studying for finals. Nothing special


reeeeeeee I died

someone pls write an insanity x marl/isaac fanfic :wink:


You guys are a meanie .-.

Eevee and overthebin split up to search for resources.

Shurian fishes.

BlueStorm diverts Hjasik 's attention and runs away.

PoisonedSquid attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.

cbman discovers a cave.

Lightsin goes hunting.

Ashe searches for firewood.

Gamerpoke attacks WazzaAzza , but she manages to escape.

Isaac Gonzalez explores the arena.

Twil1ght searches for a water source.


Squid can’t climb tree anyway.

[supposedly albert einstein comic]


Did I get those snuggle because I am gay?

Night 6 comes in, haunting the hearts of men

Ashe receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Gamerpoke receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Hjasik loses sight of where he is.

overthebin goes to sleep.

WazzaAzza starts a fire.

BlueStorm kills Lightsin for his supplies.

Eevee spears Isaac Gonzalez in the abdomen.

Twil1ght , cbman , and Shurian discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Can someone nerf Ashe before the gets PoTG

They love giving me hatchets and clean water

You got fans

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Day 7

overthebin picks flowers.

Shurian goes hunting.

Twil1ght pushes Eevee off a cliff during a knife fight.

Ashe receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

cbman questions his sanity.

BlueStorm shoots an arrow at Gamerpoke , but misses and kills Hjasik instead.

WazzaAzza receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

I see.

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Oi, peace!

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Why did everyone die when they snuggled with me .-.