54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Just making sure

Oh god :cold_sweat:

IRS monkaS

@MaximusPrime @luxy @Marcus_Doodalee @Ashe @Marluxion @astand @DatBird

I will use all the powers in my arsenal to get this accomplished

The world must know Yoshi commits tax fraud

No U

I can’t commit tax fraud if I don’t even do taxes because under 18 :thinking:


More like “pay” taxes but okay. :tea:

I have not encountered the hidden enemy of mankind yet.

Hey! Don’t say such mean things about my fellow Illuminati.

We aren’t playing Enemy Within.

no bastard games here

Is that so? Oh god, how little you know about this world… :eyes:

I’m missing something?


Why’d I just get First Quote? And why did everyone else, apparently?


The Dwarf

Blue Dragon Investigative
Ability Score Increase - Constituition (Passive) - One-time death immunity
Dwarven Resilience (Passive) - Immune to poison and bleeding
Dwarven Combat Training (Passive) - You will appear as a Killer to all checks.
Subrace (Passive) - Pick one subrace at the start of the game. This cannot be undone.
Tool Proficiency (Day) - If someone gets an item stolen while you are alive, it can be replaced through this ability - 1d4 uses.
Stonecunning (Day) - Exhume a player if they were cleaned. You will know their class and logs - 1d4 uses.
Darkvision (Night) - Select a target. You will be notified of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Subclass - Hill Dwarf

Ability Score Increase - Wisdom (Passive) - Always knows how many players visited you last night
Dwarven Toughness (Passive) - Death immune when it’s day.

Subclass - Mountain Dwarf

Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Dwarven Armor Training (Passive) - When you die, reveal the death cause.

Subclass - Duergar

Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Sunlight Sensitivity (Passive) - If converted to the Unseen or another scum faction, your subclass will change to this one. You can’t pick this subclass at the start of the game.
Superior Darkvision (Night) - Darkvision is replaced for Select a target. You will be notified of how many players of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses

@reaper @Mercenary

I don’t even know what Squid is talking about

You don’t know about Yoshi and his tax fraud?
