54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Lying makes my reverse card power stronger

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Thank you, love

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Stop noob

No u

No u no u

Also, what does Vehringraz even is supposed to mean in the Word Association Topic?

I don’t know what that means and I can’t type in it if I can’t continue it


the irony

Vehringraz was the surname of my + Geyde’s chara in the Fate RP

It’s sad how this is Jazz’s last post.

Mods + Insanity:
omae wa mou shindeiru


Jokes aside, it’s sad, can agree. However, least they gave us both sides to the thing(I’m still confused as fuck on it)


Spent the last 5 hours on working on a fm game and I finished it

it’s the passive game I told y’all about

is it the game you needed our favorite types of ice cream for?

when did I need that

When did you not need that?

i final got a devotee title

does this make me a pro now?

We need Isaac here

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favorite foods/colors

gamerpoke poked me

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