54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Hi very sad, I’m Lightsin

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Your boi finally got a Switch, and as a result, Smash Ultimate

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Or you just submit your FM instead of rioting the system for no reason? :thinking:




For Geyde's use only

jamesonme ocelot2 angry crit Missile_AAI lm7bjgh863x11 jamesjonah

Guys I did something bad

And it appears that you did it completely intentionally

Totally unintentional

That really won’t help your position when it happened on…12 threads iirc

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Do I get title necromaster

You get a punishment, most likely.

You don’t understand how consequences work do you :confused:


Youre Going to give me title for My hard work

Necroing threads isnt an easy Job ya know

What I’m going to do:

  • Lock all those threads
  • Give you a warning

It’s just a slap on the wrist, but if you do it again there will be actual consequences.

What consequences?

This consequence

You’ll be yeeted into the sun by the true king

