54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Also I main Dedede just because I’m too thick to do anything other than charge up the hammer and hope for the best

and I actually wanted feedback as to why I would be Wisdom of the Mod outted

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I’ll reopen the thread in that case

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Its fine

Not like anyone would actually notice it without me pinging them

In which case I’ll probably just do on discord and give a link to the topic

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(feel free to hmu with your friend codes so we can play extremely laggy smash)


Why am I late and only see this after giving a warning too.

Congrats by the way Geyde! :partying_face:




@Luna I bumped up your TL to the standard of level 2

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Does that mean I can create topics? Or are there other rules

You can make topics at any level : P

What would you want to do?

An off topic thread for memes

I’m gonna get started :DDD

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Oh, that’s completely fine

Can you stop necro old post?

Nope :wink:

Which ones are you having problems with?

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Clearly its you!

no it isn’t lmao

he’s stopping others from doing it

coughs in Hjasik


@NuclearBurrito what do you want