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how does someone remember 80 digits of pi in two days

They become MathBlade

actually being serious

You need to remember them in order?


Wait Why would you need that

Worst is I remember 20 digits best is I remember 80

pi day extra credit

Wait I have 3 days

Split them in 8 sections

Wdym by that

First read first 10 Digits till you can remember them without reading then next 10

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I have a stupid idea

I put 80 digits of pi on a loop in my head for 2 days straight

*as a video that I would listen to

Basically every 20 digits I know they replace a homework grade with a 100

if I know more then my teacher they also do the above

Writting them on a paper?

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Well you see I’m suppose to say them out loud…I think

No but to remember easier

also I refuse to torture myself with writing


but writing