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Write the numbers to remember them(if you are allowed to write them)

actually writing it may actually be helpful

writing is the best way to remember

Idk I need to ask

It probably is but how many times do I need to write them

Read 1 time then try to remember them in order when you dont remember look What number was at that place And forward then start try to remember in order again you can later put off Numbers you remember perfectly

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write once with help
practice verbally
write once with limited help (try to do as much as possible without looking back at notes)
practice verbally

Keep doing step 3/4 until you have it mostly down

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This reminds me of the time where I just stared at a Latin speech but wasn’t actually studying it

just staring at it without actually looking at the words

I did perfectly fine when the time came to say it

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Idk what your assignment actually is, but that’s how I remembered a three minute speech in a day

20 pi digits memorize -> lowest homework grade replaced with a 100

More digits memorized then teacher -> lowest homework grade replaced with a 100

It is really important to remember 60 digits of pi Its not like you cant look them up at Any time

That shouldn’t be too difficult.

How many do they know?

“Not many right now but I’m not going to tell you how many I know, I’m going to know more when the day comes”

I’m not complaining

So about 35

It’s stupid but extra credit is extra credit

I just noticed sometjinn

Do you know What?

also I’ll have you know I stared at that Latin speech for 3 months so no wonder
