54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

It’s pi day solic

it’s a free day where it’s a food day as long as the food is circle (therefore linking it to pi)and you get extra credit

I’m sorry our math teacher takes a day off teaching useless equations

There is good extra credit and bad extra credit though. This falls under the latter.

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How dare you leave our cult in the dust. :cry:

Welcome back.

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And there’s something called good teachers w

This teacher also rarely ever gives extra credit

Probably for a reason. :smile:

Also I swear I had a >90 in my history class for like ever

Solic, criticizer of fun stuff, and the death tunneler

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Sorry if I rain on your parade from being happy to be being incentivized for remembering a random string of numbers to succeed academically. That is just not right. :thinking:

I would do it probably too as am I’m a relative overachiever, but you must admit it’s useless.

I’m not complaining, now I don’t need to type in the calculator the pi number

even though there’s a literal pi symbol on it

Anything beyond 2 digits is excessive to be honest.

Oh yeah 100% useless

Which you probably should still use or it might not match exactly after many calculations.

Dang Kitten, you harsh. :upside_down_face:


Hmm, it’s a fine line to walk.

It’s a needed one

White lies have their purpose. Absolutes are bad.