54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yes you dummy that’s why I’m calling them

a true omnimiller even flips mafia when the game is over

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Omnimiller gets a suspicious result from cops in real life.


Omnimiller also flips mafia in real life

I have scum classcard scum wincon And am in scumchat but am town

why are you voting someone

You would join FoL if Baz isn’t in it? :thinking:

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Ici join So I wont get lunch for claiming NK

Baz being in FoL = join

Tinfoils so filthy.

my dad is memesky

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So you got abandoned

: ^)

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Ici and going ride or die with a self-evidently bullshit fakeclaim.
Name a more iconic duo.


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Me and my confirmation bias

i was abandoned once i was old enough to play this

Me and my confirmation bias.

Merc complaining of no one reacting to her active lurking

Confirmation bias sure likes to get around.

Me and my confirmation bias.

Thinking that the joat claim has a day!heal and was scum because the player who claimed mason didn’t die to a vengeful shot.