54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


sorry isaac

We lost because I didn’t use my brain at the end there

Anyways I utterly destroyed that poss

I have decided to never fps again until I can win three games on MU as town without FPS’ing in a row

what did you do this time


why is that your immediate thought of me doing something

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This includes games else where so if I fps I’m confirmed wolf

pfft just FPS them all into the ground

alright icibalus but that involves thinking of a fps

making sure it’s not stupid and it out weights the risks

and for you to not fail

Also, if you’re making a concious effort not to FPS your flow will likely be disrupted and you’ll be lynched regardless of actual allignment.

@Kirefitten i mean not FPSing is possible
after Overwatch I’m still working up the courage to fake a red check on somebody when they come into the thread tbh

I mean

yeah my play style is largely dependent on it however you always look awful as a player

even if it works people still thinks you are bad

JUST Realized there will be internet in hotels

Yes, which is why you need to mix in a few GOOD screwed up FPSses so you become a meme
i can confirm MARL DIED OF THE PLAGUE this is a good I’M DEFINITELY WOLF EEVEE, DON’T WORRY idea, especially if you can’t I’M 2-SHOT STRONGWILLER EMMISSARRY OMNIMILLER actually play the game right.

tfw your entire existence on this site is three shitty memes

Yes I can just claim that being bad is part of my master plan :wink:

Although I have a feeling me being the luckiest bastard alive may become a thing by this summer
don’t ask me why

What do you mean

i wish I just knew how to analyses things and explain reads though, I can’t push against a good player with the reasoning gut even if I think they are scum