54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

In the Music Mash I dodged 20 bullets as one of the last 2 wolves alive with no shot modifiers
In SCP-FM I randed IC when I asked to rand IC.

If my luck keeps up I’m bound to become a meme!

Now that I think about it my main flaw as village is scared of screwing up and then actually screwing up

Like I’m scared of pushing against someone but then I do a play and it fails

was it the same game where they for some reason gave wolves l o v e r s

One of our most influential political parties, whose representants ruled the country 16 years straight (2002 - 2018), streamed live one politician debating about the Venezuela situation.
The twist is.
They accidentally live streamed Apex Legends instead of the discourse.

I’m laughing so hard it can’t be contained


I’m dying.


Hi dying, I’m Lightsin

Also here’s note for everyone:
Don’t get an excess amount of ink on your hands, or your going to have a fun time trying to git it off


Once had my hand covered in it

wasn’t fun


Well, that sounds double fun


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Do it


roll vt on a cop 9ner on mu

Find cop D1 due to how bad they are covering for the cop there’s no way a human can be that bad so it must be fake
get mafia goon hung D2
Die N4 while guessing the mafia goon

Hey, guys. I’m sorry for my long and sudden absence, but college was biting me real hard and since it’s almost spring break, I thought I would explain why I haven’t done anything on here in a while. I also apologize if I was being rude during my sudden departure, I was overwhelmed with multiple problems and I got rather irritated


No worries, life can be a pain in the arse sometimes

School is biting me hard as well lul, hence why I’m having no time to really play any FM

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Some people here should join it

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Why is everyone scared from this

it’s a newbie setup mantichora won’t let the wolves bite you

@Geyde did you play a game on MU before

I’m already inned

I haven’t completed a game on MU

also I highly suggest joining mod bot group or you can’t get free vote counts