54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

that’s a thing?

yes it is

“ Votecounts will appear automatically at various intervals, but you can also call up votecounts yourself by following these steps:

First, you need to apply to join “Mafia Game Hosts” under Permission Groups.

Second, once your request has been approved, you will be able to call up votecounts by simply pushing the “Post Votecount” button in the top right corner of any game thread that you’d like an updated votecount for.”



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Putting more than 2 neutrals in a regular-ish one-ability-per-role game isn’t something that anybody should do unless they have a very good reason.

Also, Neutral Killers are overused as fuck


One of them is a jester don’t worry

Completely agree.

Just compare Poker Mafia 2 -> Auction Mafia.

By removing completely unnecessary neutrals, the setup got way more fun to play and was more balanced. Town wasn’t losing maj on d3 like before. It was actually close.


tfw 6 nontown players at the start of the game in 16p

Also 2kpn+



I’m always blown away by this vid

I sense that the forum has undergone an update? :thinking:

Your senses are bad


It posted both for some reason

iirc it doesn’t work like that. It can only upload one at a time (unless reselecting the option).

You probably had the file uploaded in a dm or something.

I’m confused

