54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Upon their death reveal someone’s alignment

Backup Oracle becomes Oracle if Oracle dies

It balanced as a cop 13er

chooses a player each night, if they die then the most recent person they chose is modpeeked

However I’m adding a twist to it

So town masochist

yeah it’s like that but it actually requires skill

“Each person has an element that are randomly generated. Some elements when they die do something. For example, maybe if a fire element dies the hammerer catches on fire and will die that night. However not everyone elements do something and you won’t know what it will do. Don’t blame me if this is unbalanced.”

Oracle 13er with a twist

Also did I say elements

I meant cats can be an element as wells

Is Hjasik an element

just make one of then protactinium or something, that kills their attacker in like 2/3 cycles

i.e. like bleed but an extra night


despite the scary Oracle looks it’s balanced like a cop 13er

also not doing it anymore it’s now mountainous but the elements do something upon their death

would be ridiculously hard to balance if it was the Oracle one

Elements can be anything


@MathBlade r u free to turbo today


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Sad kitten

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It’s hopefully going to be a vig10 or a cop9