54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I am now the President of the United States of America, Funny Valentine. Isn’t he beautiful?

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He looks awful

Hold on a minute, lemee upgrade.

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Ici, use the other one instead

I feel like by upgrade you mean downgrade

Just watch JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure Parts 1-5 (and then read Parts 6-8).

It’s good. It’s really good.

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I was right

I fail to see how this avatar could ever be a downgrade.

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It’s because you forget to say “Dojyaaa~~n!

You were right that you were wrong

Quick summary of the series:

A bunch of extremely flamboyant men and women summon magical ghosts with incredibly specific abilities to punch each other, and occasionally magically breathe to punch vampires with the power of the sun.

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even if you don’t enjoy the series by watching/reading it you get a licence to post S-tier reaction images and memes

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sounds too stupid to watch tbh

I’ll lose brain cells

I need them because I’m already dumb enough as I am

Also, the actual fight scenes are incredibly intricate and based almost entirely based on the intelligence of the combatants involved in it rather than ““determination””, and it’s very very funny.

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I’m hungry but I’m too tired to get up


Unreleated question

Can humans survive by eating grass