54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Okay maybe 1-2

Are the first episodes boring

Part 1’s opening is alriiight but not the best.

Until Part 3 stands aren’t a thing and it’s an above-average shonen fight series.


that sounds boring

Look, after you get halfway through Part 2 you’ll be hooked. I gaurentee it.


Black Clover

40 episodes to be hooked why

Part 1 is only 10 episodes long, and it’s not bad by any stretch of the word.

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How long is part 2

That’s why I said on average.

It’s about 30 episodes long (iirc) and features Joseph Joestar, who is the most M O O D person ever to live

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Part 2 have 17 episode


Look, it’s a very very good series but you have to watch it for the sake of watching it, not for any particular thing.

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Ladies and gentlemen. We have 327 posts until the next cookie. In the run-up to the historical reveal of the Eighth Cookiebearer.

Here at The Day Today we will be covering all the contenders for the title.


Who else holds a cookie?

I do

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Here, we are interviewing both Boss110 and Hjasik, who both aim to add a second cookie to their collection.

I am actually going to sleep now

Excuse me I’m taking that cookie

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