54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I was thinking of a part 3 one where due to the numbers of a mash it make more sense for the crusaders to be mafia and Dio has to fight them off with his army of stand users

We were working on a part 4 mash similar to this where the jobros were the mafia and the other stand users were town, but we kinda forgot about it.

I could help you out if you want to make it

Marl said he was working on a Jojo themed game so we stopped :^)

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Fun fact: Did you know that in one episode, Kars t-poses?

Of course.
They are the ultimate life form for a reason

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You can open signups for the neutral showdown thing

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Will do, thanks. Is there a specific date for me to start it or do I start it as soon as it fills?

Start it as soon as it fills
Unless it fill immediately.

Ideally it will open when d2 of the mash ends

@orangeandblack5 post something. I’m testing if it deletes it when you only quote part of a above post

Fire can you read


Nope he can’t

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Alright post again




does it work

alright so apparently it only deletes things if you quote the whole above post

Fire are you fucking blind