54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Didn’t someone said we give whoever get 12345 post a title?

That wasn’t me, so no

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Can we all get titles for almost tying?


Nice try.

Are we back to shitposting now?

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I am going to hold a FoL Scummies award ceremony eventually which will have titles so :man_shrugging:


Just me then?


It’s Opposite Day.
No = Yes

@Geyde Are you working on JoJo mashed right now?

Opposite day contradicts itself. Ergo it’s normal day

Part 7 Mash


It’s basically done

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That’s what they all say.

That’s simple logic

In any case, reality can be whatever I want

but this does put a smile on my face

Of course!
For example, i could’ve won the cookie and a title.

Can you still give me a title