54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


No, don’t


Why wouldnt he

I’ll think about it

1 Like

My FE mash post drowned
I should probably make it its own post in Off Topic.

Solic advised me to put it here.
Now I realize that was not the best idea lmao.



I give poor advice. :smile:


Blame Solic

Blame Solic.

Blame nerbins

@discobot shut

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


I have a dumb idea for a game we can play while we wait for the next cookie. If you are on mobile, type the name of a ToL class and then randomly pick words from the prediction bar to create a story. I’ll start:

The king used the power to make children with suddenness and the final sound of the beating heart of ice cream and other body parts will be placed on the road wrapped in the middle of the ocean in order to create descendants for your tea party with your family


The Assassin is the way I am in the world I will never ever again have to say that I cannot is the day I get off Twitter.

The sellsword is the first to the point of society to the extent of society that has been auto affected by a lot more than my life