54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Vice Versa can apply as well.

This site isn’t going to turn into a competitive one no matter what you do.

The least we can do is make role madness more fun

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I’m going to make a 16 player game that doesn’t have the no notification rule because I’m going to try to see what happens.

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Thing is that the setup should be closed then. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Would you want the forum file size maximum to be increased so you could post more gifs?

  • Yes
  • Yes Yes Yes Yes YES

0 voters

Doesnt even let me send Camera photos

Doesnt even let me send full flexed screenshoots

Doesn’t let me post 096’s face.

Doesn’t even let me send my yiff collection my meme complication.

Can i bump this: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/who-survives-the-snap/73514/10
It’s important with the coming of Endgame.


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Well… I don’t think that’s the right thread to post in with Endgame stuff. Maybe you can make a new off-topic thread discussing the movie

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I was kidding lol.
necrobumper magnus

Too ired for HK
Sleep time
still want to play it

Oh my god

I’m in no forum mafia games so the first thing I do is go to this site

none games interesting
okay so I go to mafia universe no games that I can play in

I’m SUPER bored

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Host a turbo?

Hosting a turbo doesn’t help me play forum mafia :thinking: