54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


and haven’t heard of that before, but oh well. You could probably make the way of making actions and deciding stuff pure rng

only problem is orange would riot

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This is the deciding factor.
Btw, you wanna join me and Simon’s misc? It’s GodCard.

It’s full though :thinking:


Only six. Seven will do fine.

Yea I was just putting in numbers as people joined

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@Magnus You can spam here as much as you want :thinking:

Ik that. But I’m leading a revolution.

For what?

Back in my day we riot against Popplios

Whatever gramps.

You sure are in a rebellious phase. :smile:

I feel like it.

Anyone remember dark theme versus light theme war

Light theme cleanses the soul. :eyes:

It hurts my eyes

Or maybe it’s because I used dark theme too much

I’m Light amber.

It’s a balance of both. Like human nature :balance_scale:

But it’s also not my color so objectively speaking in my pov it’s worse