54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I got attack fumbling hunter dress getaway grease

There are three abilities - Attack, Hunter and Dress.
There is not magic on this system.
Attack measures the strength and/or finesse of your attacks. Landing down a heavy lance blow or repeteadly attacking with your small rogue knives are all under attack. It is countered by Fumbling, its negative attribute, being defined by 20 - attack score.
The second is Hunter. Hunter is your keen eye and also your will to keep fighting. Your instincts are also under Hunter. It is countered by Getaway, which is 20 - hunter score. Getaway helps with getting out of situations, because the less courage you have, the most you have developed your bullshitting skill.
The third is Dress. Dress dictates how humans will initally react to you. It is countered by Grease, which is 20 - Dress score.

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@alter @reaper

sadistic makes 10 damage and some other stuff

and lemon

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You ever forgot something and then you remember it and then you have deja vu of the fear of it before

I see i have a creativity rival.

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Finally, a worthy opponent

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Speaking of creativity, have any of you guys ever had a science project where you had to create your own invasive species?

No, I did not

Yeah, so we recently had a project where we had to do that, and I created a monstrosity.

oh what was it

The attack-o’-lantern.


is it a evil pumpkin

The movie Alien but with pumpkins.

I heard those were very dangerous tbh

did you get an A

Please tell me you did

It was creative, and in the research paper thing I met all the requirements so yup.


what did the teacher say

It was probably the most creative thing that was made, and it made him scared.