54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

anything else

I am Puerto Rican! wherever that is

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Jokes on you, I am from three different brazilian states AND Paraguay
I am a woman born of two voids

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It’s near Caribe



how are you from Australia and Puerto Rico is was that a joke

I visited Puerto Rico once. Or just passed by. Or just knew a guy from there that was on my ship.
Didn’t had anything particularly remarkable as far I can remember

I lied.

/eat magnus

Because I literally can’t remember Puerto Rico even if I have vivid memories on the other islands

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You really want to eat an orange slime?

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are you 100% Australian

yes I love eating oranges.

An orange slime is basically just an orange.

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It’ll clog your throat.

I come to this thread and people are talking about eating Magnus



Aruba is small but nice. Very themed around turtles. There was a cave with blood on it, someone probably hurt their head there.
Panama is like USA and rich Venezuelan’s FREE REAL STATE. It has a lot of commercial/industrial districts.
I didn’t had the courage to stop by Venezuela but it is shockingly depressing.
There was also a dutch island that I loved so much. It had free wifi all over the city and everything was so neat and colorful.