54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

they are very vengeful.

Someone thinks you’re so awesome that they feel inclined to want to copy you? Sounds flattering to me.

Or annoying. :man_shrugging:

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What’s that

You won.

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I just realised how many times Margaret has liked me…

and that’s not even my top liked person on me.

I did? I won! I won!

But that means we both won!

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Considering Poke hasn’t liked me in like a month.

This is pretty scary.

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I’m still a newbie in these forums ^^

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Not really?

I mean…

…I wouldn’t say yes but I wouldn’t say no either.

By the way I take pride in being the most active forum member here lmao

I believe Ashe is the person who used the most likes on one person.

Other “balanced setup” shamelessly copied from MafiaScum - All members of the review/FoL team design 3 roles, 2 Villagers and 1 Wolf, and then 17 of those roles are assembled to form a 13v4 setup. without seeing what each other have done

Obviously, this will produce nothing but a b a l a n c e d setup since we can trust the balancing instincts of each part, ergo resulting in a perfectly balanced 50/50 winrate setup 100% of the time.

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Anyone who wants to argue against me being the most active may screen shot my forum account stats


We’ve a special friendship litten. :wink:

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We can start to catch up with them.

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Nah I prefer htm and Firekitten.

We will catch up to them.