54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this is definitely not a satire of Grand Idea, if you say that you’re “delusional”

Are there restrictions on how many jesters I can include?


okay sure you can but Geyde and I are perfectly allowed to include Jester vanillaiser :^)

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Imagine if golden likes existed.



Wait what has happened :thinking:

Holy Sugar she’s actually nice.

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10 on one time?

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Already do

I was actually thinking the same thing.

Great minds think alike


does that mean we both win?


In grey amber!

I’m going to always call you a him now.

Until you call me and Priestess a pro;3

Very sweet of you

:smiley: Fair enough

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Hjasik is actually a him. He is just lying to us all and he is actually a noob until he calls me and Priestess a pro.

You’re a fine guy. Haven’t had so much fun in these forums since months.

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