54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

See I called it.

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#disco knows best.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Neither spamming nor necrobumping can get you ever in troubles

Btw. I’d like to get some experience in co-hosting. I’m only 4 months here and not that experienced, but at least I’m trustworthy enough.

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:sob: :sob: :sob:


We knew it already /shrug ;D

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nice try marcus

Bumping this flawless idea for the rest of the world to see, since I actually want to host this this summer.

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It’ll probably have to be 4 villagers and 1 wolf though, looking at it, with all the unused village roles used as fakeclaims.

I mean, I’m planning on hosting a game soon.

If you want, you can co-host it with me.

only people who’ve watched it can understand it :^)

Whatever it is, I’ll join ya as co-host.

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Dead Chat

/pre in

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sshh… people…

I have done it.


what did you do