54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

This is from future

Don’t belittle yourself.

Or let others belittle you.

Check where this quote is from

I understand better than anyone else that I’m ultimately worthless. I’m too arrogant to have dreams or cling to hope… I’m too disdainful to actually try at anything… I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m a lowly, stupid, insignificant human who can’t do anything right.

I am very sorry for belittling myself.

Well, that’s the first step.

Why are you belittling yourself.

That’s my job.


This means at least that you know yourself.
Now rise upon your ashes.

That’s a scp

Nobody can see in the dark… No matter how hard you think about it, the truth is beyond your sight… Don’t you think that’s a pretty clever metaphor, despite the fact that it came from me?

I am a very stupid person who shouldn’t exist. I am horrible at being a King and am horrible at doing my job. I only took this job because Priestess brainwashed me but that doesn’t make me good at my job. Also there is blood everyone over me.

I think even in the darkest light there is a sparkle… a sparkle of faith, you can follow.
(sketch from the tol priest)


Hmmm, weird


You were the one who pulled me out of the dark in the last days. I might be a guide for others, but I cannot be one for myself.

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