54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Can’t access my facebook account you dumb idiot.

how was i supposed to know

I stated it in the post…

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he said so reeee

u think i read more than 2 words

actually no

“Checking your”

Wazza, we need to find out who will survive

spot everything wrong with my facebook post from 2013.

wait am I just talking to myself rn wtf.


(also, you should censor more names)

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anyway imma set up i42 danganronpa.

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Thanks, didn’t spot 'em.

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Can’t be careful enough
You never know who’s reading

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I’ll just continue setting up i42 Danganronpa.

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im reading

from what I gathered I now know that ur a noob

Good. Job.

Honestly I can actually agree with this right now.