Thank you!
You’re welcome I guess.
Imma start working on i42 Danganronpa again soon.
Or should I do i42 Murder Mystery?
What’s that? Sure
- i42 Murder Mystery
- i42 Hunger Games
- i42 Danganronpa
0 voters
Go ahead and vote, I’ll be back in 10 mins.
this thread is a work of art let’s be honest
Icibalus want to help me design a game
i mean it’s basically a steaming, clunking hulk of human desires held together by sin and spittle, but a masterpiece nonetheless
Is it Community Forum Mafia :^)
no but it’s another cool idea
Tell me about it tommorow, I’ve got to go now.
As long as I can be the killer, of course ;D
But then you have to kill me to win;(.
But then again, we both win!
I’ll never kill you
Even if that means I have to lose
It’s the only way
But if you lose, you are murdered yourself.
If I can give my life to save you, my deed is done.
But, no.;(
If you die, who would I have to talk to?
Fair enough, that’s a problem