54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you have to translate display too, reeeee

I don’t have my book on me rn so I can’t reee

Wait so you are seeing all of my posts in German right?

isn’t google translate the worst translator ever

I mean to my spanish teacher yes

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Latin too

Nope, and I guess if I do it on german you see it on german too and understand nothing :thinking:

so you also speak English?

@discobot Zitat for demonstration

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:left_speech_bubble: In der Mitte von Schwierigkeiten liegen die Möglichkeiten. — Albert Einstein

also can we talk about how English is super confusing even to English speakers

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can we talk about how english is super confusing to not native english speakers ;D

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I can only imagine the pain and suffering anyone who didn’t start with English as a first language is experiencing in English class right now

Wait so

When you think of a thought

You are thinking about it in German right

“In the middle of the trouble - there are the potentials”

have you tried thinking in English

90 post to go
@discobot fortune will you get the cookie?

:crystal_ball: As I see it, yes

Discobot has confirmed it

I’m used to think in English when I’m playing ToL anyways, but it’s strange to think in a language you haven’t that huge of a vocabulary