54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait LOL

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Doing my sheet rn

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Name: Magnus - Level: 5 - Skill Type: Melee - Weapon(s) Needed: None - Location: World Boss(s): Level 3:

You will go up against a gigantic dragon that wants to conquer the area. You’ll have to take down 4-5 monsters before the timer runs out.

It takes about 2 hours if you just do it by yourself.

Level 4:

After a bit, you’ll have a boss for the final level.

Level 5:

And the final boss.

Level 6:

When it says you have finished level 6 and you are back at level 3, leave the room and wait it out (not all enemies seem to be up in the air at this point. Most of the enemies will just appear once you beat them all with your swords, or just move off screen. You can still see where they were as you walk up to them, they are simply off screen in the distance) and walk back to level 3 again to progress.

bold was the prompt.


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Name: Mercenary

Aura: Neutral Good and Neutral Evil

Weapon Class: Sword and Shield

Attack: 19 (8d6+6)

Speed: 60 foot

Special Attacks:

Flicker Shot

When you take the Attack action against a creature within 5 feet of you, that creature can make a Dexterity saving throw against a spell attack roll. A creature takes 7 (1d8)/4 (1d4) bludgeoning damage on a failed save.

Daggers and Longswords

Daggers are long swords that are extremely light and maneuverable, and they’re extremely deadly. Daggers have a base attack bonus of +6, and they can be charged with any one of three weapons. When made into a weapon, an orc dagger counts as a longsword if you don’t wear armor or lack a shield; the weapon has the normal properties as a longsword without an extra blade. If you gain a level, you gain half your proficiency bonus in the weapon skill (minimum +1) plus an additional weapon proficiency (minimum +2) when you replace


Gonna do a sandwich story.

Name: Reaper

Race: Dark Elf

Level: 15

XP Required: 3270

The Reaper represents the final boss of every boss-based dungeon. The Reaper is an extremely large entity made of Death and Evil that is almost impossible to fight without great preparation. It is difficult to get past unless the Reaper is killed by a Dark Elf, Demon, or Elf Lord (if any were left) and you are at a low level. He has a lot of HP and deals very high damage when it hits.

While the Reaper is relatively easy to kill without great effort, he will become increasingly harder over time due to the increased number of enemies and the increased death threat. You should always keep a set-up that enables you to survive this battle even without the Reaper in a non-elite party; that is, you should make as much use of the Dark Force to absorb the damage.

After the first phase, once you have defeated the Reaper you will have gained some experience for defeating the boss; this experience is also used to level up your Demon, Demon Lord or Elf.

@reaper u bbeg

Name: Geyde

Ages: 10+

The most important thing to me about Geyde is that it is a huge world map. The area is absolutely HUGE because of the fact that you cannot enter and leave the small sections of one town because of the map that the game presents. So your only opportunity to interact with the map is after it has been completely destroyed. This makes it feel like a very large world, but with the added bonus of it also being a very beautiful world.


I dropped my sandwich. I could easily have lost it. I could have killed myself. A little thing I’ll never get used to, especially when it’s in this city of people who say I’m worthless because I went to the doctor’s and got a stomach bug, but here in Atlanta, it’s my responsibility to learn how to eat with my stomach."

I don’t think we saw him that day. The following day, a little older and wiser, but still pretty much the same person with an empty seat in the bus, I made my way in and sat next to him. I didn’t get the sandwich out of his hand, but we both know he didn’t ask that question because he didn’t want to think about me.

I felt bad, because this guy’s father just passed away and I had the responsibility to find closure. I couldn’t ask him to accept he’d probably have the same experience as I did if I ate something like that. I didn’t want to know what his feeling would be. It wasn’t healthy for him, either. I know I wouldn’t either. But it was


I will never know if I am an easy or hard fight this way smh

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I can’t stop looking at my pfp and seeing it being so adorable


you changed it.

I still miss your old one


Morgana uwu

but look at him


is he holding something?


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