54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’m fine with hosting one, if you want.

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god it scares me to think that orange and PKR are the only people still active who will get that joke
what has become of me?

I got robbed in the last mafia game I joined as in it wasn’t mafia someone host a turbo mafia game

so they are trash.

in terms of being good people, probably
in terms of being FUN people, no
in terms of being good players, fuck no

Turbo games are fine to host without asking mods right?


Host popcorn


btw the reason I don’t play as often on MU as I should is because a former mafia champion said I was a good player and I don’t want to prove them wrong :^)

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from this paragraph + the small talk earlier
they are literally toxic.

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why do you keep saying you are bad player

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because my reads are often not right early on and I have a pressing desire to immediately be right on D1 and I lose WIM when that happens

I know I can post some Quality Reads™ but impatience has prevented me from being a truly good player. I plan to change this fact.

idk why but this post was so fluid to read
like it read as a glove if that makes sense

I still don’t get how you do the analysis stuff

It’s very simple: I figure out what allignment they are and work the reasoning backwards to understand why I thought that.

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No, that’s not quite it, but I don’t think that you can read by going through every single line of sophisticated reasoning one after another until you find the right one.

But why do you work backwards

how does that even work nani