54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Growing up is realising you’re no longer allowed to go “wheyyy!” when someone drops a plate in the canteen.


I must have missed something.

H m m

Start singing the meal song loudly for everyone to hear every day

I already knew that

I’m making a beautiful mafia game I’m proud of myself. Flavor is 10/10


can u give us a hint on the flavor

No screw that

only hint you get is that this game can’t be setup broken cause I literally used RNG for everything

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Im slowly working on one in my free time. Idc if people see the flavor



Before I get banned for making alt’s I have proof that Geyde said nothing was wrong with this

image image

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hi @Judge_Ostilia

Talking with yourself? Oof

Not as bad as the amount of wazza’s and Hippo’s talking with each other

You knew I was completely okay with it, right?

yeah but you might not have told anyone else :man_shrugging:

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they still haven’t fixed the flags on amber? bruh

Max you didn’t die?