54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

:game_die: 2


I love role madness games… thanks discobot…

@discobot roll 1d3 Well I did host 2 other role madness games before, should i plan to host a 2.0-semi-related version of them?

  1. Secret Murderers
  2. Kingdom conflicts… (no bastard this time!)
  3. NO! something new and rolemadness

:game_die: 3

I have had enough, listening to you!

Going to plan without you!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@Kirefitten to riot or not to riot


why would we be rioting

it’s like you asking me to riot against you

Riot to riot.

Alright everyone should spam ping mercenary, we are rioting against them

pls go to pfp you had before :sob:

1 Like


this is adorable

It is riot for the sake of riot
Not against me :sob:

I will cry if you don’t

I drink tears

Next person to post gets a diamond sword


Next person to post gets nothing.