54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


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You won with me.

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Wow, this thing is still going?

This thread will never die

Just like wazza?

Just like Wazza.

Sorry to disappoint you, Priestess, but you activated my trap card!

Since Wazza can’t die, and this thread can’t die, that means Wazza IS this thread. So how’s it feel to be typed on, Wazza?

Logical fallacy.
Let’s say you can’t die as well, Lightsin.
Are you automatically Wazza?

by the transitive property of geometry, yes.

So you are also the thread.


We are all Hippo alts, this has been established.


Nice nice nice

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Not nice

Broke: Chess
Woke: Go

Hitler built autobahs
Hitler was evil
Therefore everyone who builds autobah are evil

The thread is immortal
Wazza is immortal
Therefore anyone who is immortal is the thread

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I like my autobahns >.>

Too bad they are built by evil people

But I like them >.> it’s fun to drive without hard speed limit
