54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


Blue gets special privilege to see this thread as a donor :anger:

I think that may be true and that mods also can see the cookie thread

But why though :thinking:
Wait I can magically see the cookie thread once I bookmarked it.

:eyes: Stop calling out moderators or reporters personally just because you don’t like their decisions.

Their decision was wrong though

  1. It was not wrong
  2. You literally are never allowed to go after them o.O

1.Yes it was
2.I’m telling them why it was wrong.

You called me personally out as reporter of your thread. How is this not extremely rude and inappropriate?


By trying to explain to tell you why it was wrong.

Read the rules again. Here, for you reminder.

Being salty is okay

Rulebreaking is not okay. That you went after the fol mods and openly told them what to do… that’s their job to handle with. But I am not okay with you going after me.

I’m not okay with getting flagged for no reason. You flagged me as spam incorrectly due to it not showing up instead of just explaining to me that it wouldn’t show up.

I feel like you just hate me

This is the definition of spam here

Btw the cookie thread works when bookmarked to me:


Firekitten, I’m professional. I’m not taking anything personally.
This text might be outdated and has to be revised. But the rules are the rules.
Really, tf? You are calling me out for reporting you? You are calling out a Judge for reporting potential spam?

Your title means nothing In this discussion.

On desktop it’s an issue but on mobile it’s fine for me.

On moblie it doesn’t work for me