54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

?? It’s literally part of their job description

I literally posted Rule 2, which especially protects me from this bs. So…

Actually, the rule only says don’t argue with moderators decisions. It just says to respect guides and judges. I’m criticizing the action not the person.

I book marked the thread and it doesn’t show up

Okay I definitely feel this isn’t the place to vent so can we not vent here?

This is the cookie thread

I won’t argue with you about this any longer. Drop it.

Not a venting thread

Nobody wants to see this here

This is the thread where everyone can post whatever they want. Cookie thread is meant for anything off topic


Strange, maybe it’s because I’m on a mobile.

I’m also on moblie

why is it affecting everyone differently?

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You are literally rulebreaking. This thread is not a ruleless place.

In other news

I’m trying to git gud at drawing stuff

Why does it have to be hard to do ‘-’

Didn’t you say drop it?

Lol, you really want to have the last word.

You were the one who wanted the last word


Like I spend 90% of the time I’m supposed to be doing off-the-job training drawing my DnD characters now

I actually played Pathfinder yesterday. Are you good in drawing?

(Lemme tell you it is a hard thing to try to draw a 6-legged centaur)

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