54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


I don’t have a fucking clue, I just send my share of the rent over to my dad and he deals with it

How old are you?

I’m 21 (for now)

And if you think I know the slightest bit about adulting other than “it’s fucking hard” then you would be wrong

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the world is upside down in its thinking tbh

Also enjoy the energy you have while you still have it

98% of the time I struggle to even get out of bed

There should probably be a mandatory class in school involving managing money

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I have adhd I have more energy in a day then you have in a week combined

I looked it up and hunting isn’t a good way to make money

I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up

I know that I used to want to work with computers but idk anymore

In every single avenue that you think will provide you with a good way to make money, there’s a more common, much lower-paid version of that job that you will be bundled into that will suck the enjoyment out of it for you.


I refuse

What’s even a good way to make money?

Working hard and/or being privileged

That’s all there is to it

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what jobs

Any, that’s the thing

Every avenue has a good way to make money

Conversely, every avenue has a shitton of dead-end jobs that don’t get you anything

I looked up what detectives do and I thought interrogating people would be neat imagine doing FPS irl

but then they don’t get paid a lot

and too much time in school to become a lawyer

finding a dream job is tough

“Soldiers, when I give the command to fire, fire straight at my heart. Wait for the order. It will be my last to you. I protest against my condemnation. I have fought a hundred battles for France, and not one against her … Soldiers, fire!”


Random quote from random person