54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings. — Arthur Rubinstein



@Kirefitten on my mobile it shows up fine and all I have it on is tracking. I wonder what’s going on, on your side. I do now that sometimes all the threads even other threads non cookie. Do take some time to update to the top of the list. Like for example yesterday when I posted something yesterday for the one game, the thread didnt move to the top for like five minutes at least on my side.

It’s really weird

It’s affecting certain people differently.

Wait you are right. It shows up fine when you go on that page. But check latest datbird.

I mean unread

Either is fine

It shows up perfectly fine on the front page but doesn’t show at all on latest/unread

I have this thread on Watched, so there’s no problem with it not showing up.

Also, this thread dosen’t matter soooo

In other news, I’m probably going to be less active over the next few months, but don’t expect me to dissapear, so there’s that.


Anniversary, being a bit burnt out, my parents dragging me out more often, and generally just being burnt out on this forum.

How long will Anni last?

2 weeks at most.


With 13/11 day phases?


I’ll probably be deaded before then.
