54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

very epic

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shameless advertisement

I just deathtunneled a townie in real life secret hitler for the first time. Curses.

I’ll never change.



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I don’t understand how art is worth that much, nor will I understand people judging how much art is worth


@discobot fortune

Will I ever finish my planned game?

:crystal_ball: Yes

Finally some hope!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.




I’m gonna host my own event, storm princes cell
whos with me?

Me. I hate princes. They are going against my personal win condition.

Hey, I get this debate is over and all but I still need to include my peace.
I do not agree with this message and I do not admit to stealing the concept. Geyde suggested it to me and Geyde seemed like a reasonable man to me so I just trusted his word. At the time I thought Geyde meant that we could use it. He did not tell me who to credit or anyone else so do not blame me for this.

Either way this situation is over now but still.

Also for this. Geyde sent me the OP and setup. So once more this post has no value against me.


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Also, if any of you are thinking.

Don’t include fucking Magnus in this, none of this is his fault.


Thank you.
No one objected when I asked Wazza if he minded.

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Apologies for this.
I started realizing at the end, there is not much evidence you ever knew it was stolen.

darkmode images strike again.

I realized after I said all that that this post:
is likely just referring to the greatness of the idea, rather than the prospect of using a stolen idea.
Who would even do the latter? Definitely not you, who has spent countless hours designing intricate and fun miscellaneous games and turbos for the community to enjoy.

Again, sincere apologies for any stress or anxiety I may have caused.

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