54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Shoot, don’t expose me!

Hey I’m here snipe time?

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Actually, I have evidence I’m British


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Spies would get fake evidence to confirm themselves as British

I’m extremely unhealthy rn as I’ve not drank a drink in ages and my back is pouring fucking sweat

Early shot

Is it your passport, your address, your birth certificate and your mother’s maiden name?

That’s actually evidence you are American

Like, if I move my back from my couch you will literally hear a splash

Americans have air conditioning.

We don’t.

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So you are a German spy trying to pass off as a brutish by acting unhealthy

Wait it already happened

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I’m dumb

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Wazza I have a 5 in scumhunting skill points you can’t fool me

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We’ve been through this

According to Zeppiphron Wazza and I are the least “least competent” Brits

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Everyone knows British people are smart though…smarter then spies

I was NOT scum that game.

Also further to this

Eevee intentionally twilightposting in that game after their lynch as scum was an extremely shitty move, against the rules, and I don’t want to see it again.

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what did they do?