54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


That’s bastard


I know you going BL

Who you going to Romance?

Im doing GD

still undecided on Lysithea or Marianne tbh.

Whats town weird fuckery


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Uhh not sure atm, I really like Ingrid, but Im also a Marianne fan. Prob between those two

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goal for me is to grab Lindhart and Marianne from the other houses

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Ingrid is likely my BL run

maybe Mercedes

But, ingrid is most likely.

Then petra for BE run.

Not the biggest fan of Mercedes Post time skip at all

Nah you gotta go Jojo reference, nah Petras great

The problem is

Her pre skip design was like perfect

so it only could have gotten worse

its still good, but yea, i can see why people are ehh on it.

Yeah her pre time skip design is easily one of the best

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for the students, all pre and post skip designs are good and match their characters from what we know

there is like, nothing that is terrible tbh.


Growth Rates for classes are now on Serenes forest

so if ya want to look up growths

they there.

Yeah, the only thing dont like is like Edelgards hair post time skip hair, and Mercedes weird Hat thing

Yeah they seem really tame, which is great. When I skimmed I didnt see one over 75%


it makes them standout imo


no one is overtly sexualized post time skip, which i think was peoples greatest fears

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