54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



Just wanted to let you know that @DatBird and I started working on designing a Jugdral FE Mash via PM today. We’ll invite you once we are confident and ready to present it for review, which will probably be around a few weeks from now or something.

May invite @Alice at some point for analysis as well, since she’s the mash guru on this site.

Priestess is a reviewer?


Sure thing.

No, i just pinged her because she was just promoted to forum mod on the forums with Geyde’s demotion.

Forgot mods didn’t have to be reviewers.

Why was Geyde demoted

did I miss something

Thank you!

also, please ping be both here and discord whenever I should be prepared to start co-hosting. It may also be smart to open up a PM with me in advance for discussion of any baseline things so I don’t mess up, as I quite literally have zero hosting experience.


No worries, I’m not going to throw you into the deep. :wink:

Just a little

I’m a great swimmer, so if this metaphor is any indication, hopefully I’ll do well.

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Yeah, I’m not a reviewer. I already have double duty :wink:

True. that alone must be hellishly time consuming.
You’re the queen of FoL, so to speak. I’ve known a while that nothing else here interests you.

Which is perfectly okay. When someone makes a game with lore that I’m familiar with and love, that’s always really fun for me. But those games can have confusing and in cases somewhat baffling mechanics, so they’re not for everyone.

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Wait Geyde was demoted?


Why? Abuse of powers?